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Gain a deeper understanding of drug interactions, either man-made or natural, and their effects on various physiologies.

Prescribed drugs are designed to act a specific way once taken. However, many things can affect how a patient will react to medication, including allergic reactions, adverse drug reactions, and more. In this course, you’ll examine what factors can influence the actual effectiveness of drugs in the body and gain an understanding of each step of the nursing process as it relates to drug therapy.

Consider the effects of drug-drug, drug-alternative therapy, drug-food, and drug-laboratory test interactions and review the important points that must be assessed and considered before administering a drug in order to prevent medication errors.

You’ll explore the effect that several classes of drugs and therapeutic agents have on the body. You will consider the therapeutic actions, indications, and pharmacokinetics interactions associated with drugs used for each of the body’s systems—including understanding the nursing considerations and teaching needs for patients receiving each class of medication.

Compare and contrast the prototype drug for each class of pharmaceutical with other drugs in its class. As you gain insight into the changes that occur in the different systems of the body when influenced by pharmacological agents, you’ll also realize the effect of drugs on these systems across the lifespan.

Sample Topics

  • Introduction to Nursing Pharmacology
  • Chemotherapeutic Agents
  • Drugs Acting on the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
  • Drugs Acting on the Endocrine System and Reproductive Systems
  • Drugs Acting on the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Drugs Acting on the Cardiovascular System
  • Drugs Acting on the Renal System and Respiratory System
  • Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal System

Sample Assignment

Each week, you will review patient scenarios. Referencing at least three sources, you will respond to the questions raised in these case studies.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Research the actions and uses of pharmacological therapies.
  2. Outline administration alerts.
  3. Distinguish between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
  4. Compare and contrast adverse effects and contraindications.
  5. Analyze the treatment for overdose and antidotes if applicable.
  6. Describe nursing’s role in pharmacological therapies.
  7. Compare key components to patient education as it relates to medications.
  8. Apply evidence-based practice to the medication administration process.

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