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Benefits of Field Experience for MSW Students

The Benefits of Social Work Field Experience

Utica University’s online MSW prepares social workers for both generalist and clinical practice with an emphasis on serving marginalized, vulnerable, and underserved communities. The program’s CSWE-accredited curriculum delivers the classroom knowledge students need to support diverse populations, and immersive social work field placements offer opportunities for hands-on application to solidify their skills.  

Field practice in social work is designed to promote practical learning through faculty advising and mentorship, field instructor supervision, on-site guidance, and real-world experience. This ensures that each student receives the guidance, support, and peer feedback they need to cultivate their professional identities as social workers and deliver the best possible services in the community.  

To earn the online MSW from Utica University, students complete two fieldwork placements: a Generalist Internship followed by a Specialist Internship. The rigor of supervision provided during fieldwork is a distinguishing feature of Utica’s program, with students receiving at least 90 minutes of supervision weekly.  

Social work field placements prepare students with clinical skills that align with the Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) nine Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). Below, learn more about how Utica supports MSW students throughout their fieldwork experiences. 

Preparing for Fieldwork

Beginning in the first few weeks of the online MSW program, Utica University works with students to prepare them for success in their social work field experiences. Students should complete the following steps to make sure they’re ready to begin their Generalist Internship:  

  • Attend MSW New Student Orientation: The MSW New Student Orientation covers the necessary programmatic details and provides an overview of the social work field placement process. 
  • Participate in a fieldwork webinar: The fieldwork webinar details the requirements (hours, dates, courses, etc.) and expectations for fieldwork. During this webinar, students will meet the Director of Field Education and Field Coordinator, whom they may contact for more support in the future. 
  • Submit required documents to Exxat: Before applying directly to the field placement sites, students must submit a professional cover letter, resume, mandatory child abuse training, and acknowledgement forms to the MSW Student Center via Exxat.

    Need help crafting a cover letter and resume? Contact Utica University’s Jeremy C. Thurston ’00 Center for Career Readiness.  

Review the table below for information regarding prerequisites and suggested timelines for the Generalist and Specialist Internships. You may also view our Fieldwork Infographic for more information.

Generalist InternshipSpecialist Internship
PrerequisitesApproval from the Field Department
  • Completion of all 500-level courses
  • Completion of Generalist Internship
  • Approval from the Field Department
Timeline Students should…
  1. Contact and interview with agencies during their first semester in the MSW program.
  2. Maintain regular communication with the Field Department to update them on interviews and prospects.
  3. Gain approval for their Generalist Internship placement from the Field Department by the beginning of their second semester.
Students should…
  1. Begin contacting and interviewing with agencies for their Specialist Internship soon after starting their Generalist Internship.
  2. Begin the Specialist Internship after meeting the prerequisites, typically during their fifth semester.

How to Select a Fieldwork Agency

At least one semester before starting the first field course (SWK 521), MSW students gather application materials and identify five agencies for potential fieldwork. Students should consider sites that employ MSW graduates with two or more years of post-MSW experience and contact agencies directly under the guidance of the Director of Field Education and the Field Coordinator, who will screen all sites before establishing an official relationship.

Criteria for agency selection include: 

  • Agency’s values, goals, and mission
  • Capacity to provide adequate student supervision and work experiences
  • Physical environment that is safe for students  

After an MSW student selects a fieldwork agency, they will complete a screening process for new interns. Most agencies request proof of a valid driver’s license, auto insurance, background check, and immunization record, among other documents. Students are strongly encouraged to disclose the need for any disability accommodations. 

Special Considerations 

Employment-Based Internship (EBI): Students may qualify to complete one social work field placement at their place of employment if their position is directly linked to the nine social work competencies and the agency meets additional criteria. Students seeking EBI must complete an EBI Application and should interview with other agencies in case their employer is not approved as a placement. Contact the field education department for more information. 

Remote Fieldwork: Eligible students may also pursue remote field practice in social work via telehealth and other online supervised field experiences if the agency agrees and assignments are conducive to remote work. Only second-year and advanced standing students are eligible to complete a fully remote internship. This option is not available to first-year/generalist students; a hybrid internship is acceptable. It should be noted that fully remote internships can be hard to find. 

University Partnerships: Utica University has established partnerships with over 300 agencies across the state of New York that provide quality field experiences for the MSW program and are committed to supporting students in becoming highly skilled social workers. After admission to the MSW program, students will have access to the full list of partner agencies, which includes: 

  • Addiction centers 
  • Counseling and mental health clinics 
  • Elementary, middle, and high schools 
  • Family service centers 
  • Hospitals and medical facilities 
  • Rehabilitation centers 
  • Rural outreach centers

The field education team is constantly growing the list of contracted agencies and is always happy to reach out to new agencies at the request of students. 

What to Expect – The Social Work Field Experience

Throughout the online MSW fieldwork experience, students receive support from Utica’s expert faculty. Students take an accompanying fieldwork seminar and may connect with their professor, academic advisor, or the Field Department with issues or questions regarding their internships.

Specifics on what students should expect regarding fieldwork requirements and responsibilities are outlined below.

Breakdown of Fieldwork Requirements:

What Is the Field Experience Like for MSW Students? 

As students dive into fieldwork opportunities in the online MSW, they will engage with different kinds of work depending on their progress through the program. For example, a student’s overall caseload will likely be smaller during the Generalist portion of the program, while a caseload will expand as students pursue the Clinical sequence of courses.  

MSW students will log hours using the web-based platform, Exxat. This is an important aspect of the fieldwork requirement, especially when it comes time for evaluation. Fieldwork course instructors conduct evaluations twice during the internship: mid-term and at the end of the field practicum. 

Supporting You Through the Social Work Field Experience 

While completing field experience for the MSW fulfills a requirement for state social work licensure, we realize it is a massive time commitment that poses unique challenges. To help alleviate the stress, Utica University offers: 

  • Placement Support: Before students choose where they wish to conduct fieldwork placement, they will meet with the Director of Field Education and Field Coordinator to determine how the student’s goals in social work align with agencies’ openings. Students may seek placements at agencies with which Utica already has existing partnerships, or they may interview with and propose a new partnership to the Field Education department. 
  • Employment-Based Internship (EBI): Students may complete either their Generalist or Specialist Internship at their current place of employment if approved by the Director of Field Education. This option allows students to record up to 14 work hours per week toward the Generalist Internship, or 16 work hours per week toward the Specialist Internship. Students may not use EBI for both internships. 
    • As stated in the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS 3.3.7), student employment may qualify as field hours when directly linked to the nine social work competencies (and any additional competencies added by the program) and level of practice (generalist or specialized). 
    • Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
    • Competency 2: Advance Human Rights and Social, Racial, Economic, and Environmental Justice
    • Competency 3: Engage Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in Practice
    • Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
    • Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
    • Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    • Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • Supervision: Students meet biweekly with a field agency-based supervisor to reflect on what they have learned and what new practices they can employ. During the alternate weeks, they meet in a live session with the fieldwork course instructor for additional group supervision. 
  • Career and Personal Development Center Support: Our career services center will help students compose a professional cover letter and resume when applying for social work field placements. 

“There will be some classwork involved, but it will relate to the fieldwork you will be performing. You’ll come to the field seminar and receive supervision from the instructor, but we also give pointers and direction for cases you’ll be working on in the field.”


Learn More

Discover how the Utica University social work field experience will elevate your understanding of how you can best serve diverse communities. Contact 1-866-295-3106 or request more information for details about our MSW field placement opportunities.