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Introduction to Engage Learning Platform

3 Min Read

[00:00:00.54] SPEAKER: Welcome to Engage, a learning management system designed to foster student and faculty community and collaboration. Engage brings a new dimension to online learning with the integration of social learning, collaboration tools, and mobile access. This guide will help you get started using the Engage learning management system.

[00:00:21.68] The first thing you see after you log into Engage is the home page. This is your dashboard. This page displays a list of courses that you’re enrolled in. You will find important course information, such as unread forum posts, recent grades, and course announcements. Clicking on the course name will allow you to view the course content.

[00:00:41.48] In the top left of your page, you’ll find the Navigation drawer. You are able to expand and collapse the Navigation drawer to view your list of courses and support page. The support page contains tutorials to help you learn more about Engage.

[00:00:58.42] In the top right of your page, you’ll find links to your Engage Mail, system notifications, and a user menu. You will use Engage Mail to communicate with other Engage users. The system notifications informs you of updates or recently posted grades, new forum posts, and submission reminders from the courses you’re enrolled in.

[00:01:19.21] The User menu allows you to edit your profile and preferences. The personal support center is available for assistance 24/7 if you’ve encounter technical difficulties.

[00:01:31.73] Welcome to your Engage course. This is the Course page, where you’ll find all your activities and resources associated with the course. You’ll click on each of the week’s units or modules to display related course content. You’ll find important course information, such as readings, assignments, discussions, quizzes, and more.

[00:01:51.29] The Navigation drawer is visible in your course. When the Navigation drawer is expanded, you can view participants, course grades, different sections of the courses here. When they are not needed, clicking the Navigation drawer collapses the information.

[00:02:06.97] The Course page may also contain one or more coarse blocks with information such as your instructor’s name, list of announcements, course schedule, and other university resources helpful to the success in your program. You may also find a Getting Started or Orientation area at the top of your course that includes important information, such as the syllabus and announcements.

[00:02:28.62] Instructors post important course information and updates here. Students are encouraged to check announcements frequently so as not to miss important course communications. Note– posted announcements are also emailed to all students.

[00:02:43.11] The breadcrumb trail reveals your current location. As you browse your course, use the breadcrumb trail to follow your navigational clicks. Your course material is accessed by clicking on the course topic area indicated by the grey bar. From the topic area, you’ll be able to review your course materials, such as reading assignments, videos, PowerPoints, and access weekly learning activities, such as written assignments, discussions, and quizzes.

[00:03:10.74] The award cup indicates an assignment is graded and tied to the grade book. Let’s review the different assignments. Clicking the title of a discussion assignment opens the discussion page. You’ll read the prompt and add a response by clicking the buttons below the prompt.

[00:03:27.33] Clicking the assignment title takes you to the assignment submission page. Follow the directions on the page to complete your assignment submission. This concludes the demonstration overview of Engage.

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